Friday, September 11, 2009

Born On Dates

The experiment: Can John really tell the difference between new and old beer? He claims that he will not drink beer that has a "born on date" more than two months ago on account of it tasting foul. (This is Bud Light we're talking about). So Scott challenged him to a blind taste test. The beer on the right was born within the last two months, the beer on the left is from earlier this year (I can't remember the exact date, but it was way more than two months ago).

Here, he's drinking the newer beer.

This is the "old" beer. He thought Scott was playing a trick on him and that both beers were from the same bottle. However, in an uncanny ability to sniff out the newer beer, he did claim that one tasted really good.
The conclusion? Who knows. He still won't drink a beer more than two months old.

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