Monday, May 30, 2011

So, I've Made Some New Friends

Ever had people say to you "You should go out more.  Meet new people."  Although I've never actually had anyone say this to me, I'm pleased to say that I don't need this advice because I've managed to get some new friends without ever leaving the comfort of my home.

My new friends are so great I wanted you to meet them too.

I call this one Holy Shit.  Actually, I don't know what his name is, that's just what I said when we were introduced.  He lives in my shed and enjoys long walks and eating unsuspecting insects.  As a reference point, that round-ish spot where he's got his right hind (?) leg is about the size of a quarter.  He's a big boy indeed.  Probably a real winner with the ladies.

Then today, I met another new friend.

This one is Damn, There's Another One.  He lives in the wood pile behind the shed.  To be fair, I'm not sure that this isn't Holy Shit because, to tell you the truth, they all look the same to me.  To get this all sorted out, I'm thinking of having a cook-out next week and introducing them to each other.


John (Tucker) said...

That's very humorous. Spiders give me the creeps. I tryed to ID the species, but there are too many that look similar. I venture they are both in the Wolf spider family.

Chris said...

I am decidedly in the minority, but I like spiders, as long as they are not crawling on me. They eat mosquitoes, horseflies, and other things that want to eat ME.

Sue said...

Eeeeeek got lots of these creatures here will have to box them and send to you !!!!!! Luv Sue x

Vicki Dutcher said...

Ewwwwww -- love the names!! LOL

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

LOL - too funny! Love the names!

Diane said...

Yep I am with you that what I would be saying if I saw them.

Hugs diane